[PHP] Crawler | Extracteur de liens récursives [PHP] Crawler | Extracteur de liens récursives | Scripts | Codes

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Extrait les liens de chaque page et retrouves les liens dans ces nouvelles pages...
Il faut créer un fichiers links.dat dans le même répertoire et y mettre les liens

Extract links from each page and find the links in these news pages ...
One should create a file links.dat and put links inside

يستخرج الروابط من كل صفحة يجدها في links.dat ثم يستخرج الروابط الجديدة الموجودة في هذه الصحف 

ينبغي إنشاء ملف links.dat و وضع الروابط فيه 

Open in a new window
// for more codes scripts-n-codes.blogspot.com
// put the links to crawl in a links.dat file; you can put one site utl for example
$datafile = "links.dat"; // file to keep the list of links in
$regex = "/<\s*a\s+[^>]*href\s*=\s*[\"']?([^\"' >]+)[\"' >]/isU";  // regex to search for hrefs

$handle = fopen($datafile, "r"); // open the data file
$buffer = fgets($handle, 4096);
$oldlinks[] = $buffer; // read the first link into an array
while (!feof($handle)) {
 $buffer = fgets($handle, 4096);
 array_push($oldlinks,$buffer); // read the rest of the links into an array
fclose($handle); // close the data file

foreach($oldlinks as $value) { // for every link in the array
 print $value; // print it out
 $remote = fopen(trim($value), "r") or die(); //open it or fail nicely
 while (!feof($remote)) {
  $html = fread($remote, 8192); // read in the remote page
 fclose($remote); // close it
 if (preg_match_all($regex, $html, $links)) { // if we find new links
  $local = fopen($datafile, "a+"); // open the data file
  foreach($links[1] as $value) { // for every new link
   $value.="\n"; // append a new line
   if(!in_array($value,$oldlinks)) { // if we haven't seen it before (nb - case sensitive)
    print($value); // print it out
    fwrite($local, $value); // and write it to file
  fclose($local); // close the data file
 else {
  print("No links."); // we didn't find any links in the new file

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